Online Safety

Online Safety teaches the safe, respectful and responsible use of technology as well as knowledge of a range of ways to report concerns and inappropriate behaviour.
It is widely recognised that blocking, stopping or banning children from using technology is not the way forwards. Instead, the recommended approach is to build children’s digital resilience by equipping them with the right skills and the wisdom to deal with prohibited content whether at school, at home or on mobile devices.
Our school has extensive security measures in place, to help safeguard pupils from potential online dangers or unsuitable material, and filtering systems which are extremely rigorous and updated on a daily basis. All social networking sites are filtered out by default and the use of mobile phones or personal tablets by the children are banned. Any incidents are strictly recorded and managed in accordance with our Online Safety Policy.
Regular Online Safety meetings are held for staff, children and parents where frequently updated material and resources are highlighted and distributed. All pupils are taught how to stay safe and behave appropriately online; an Online Safety scheme of work is implemented in ICT lessons, usually complemented by resources provided by CEOP and
Related documents:
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Key roles:
ICT leader:
- Mr. D. Carden
DSL Lead:
- Mrs E. Camplin
Deputy DSL:
- Ms. Y. Barnett & Mrs L. Deary
Safeguarding/Child Protection Link Governor:
- Mrs. J. Bates
Important links:
- CEOP Command – National Crime Agency that works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to protect children from harm online and offline.
- Thinkuknow – education website of CEOP Command offering a range of information on online safety for young people
- Childnet International – a non-profit organisation working to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
- Internet Matters – independent, not-for-profit organisation to help parents keep their children safe online