Statutory Information
Schools are required to publish certain information on their website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and 2016 and other relevant legislation. This information also allows inspectors easy access to evidence to help them develop an initial picture of a school’s academic performance.
This section contains the core elements of the statutory content, updated annually, in line with the guidance issued by the Department of Education, of what maintained and voluntary aided schools must publish on their websites.
For ease of access, we have listed some important documents and policies for you to download plus links to pages within our website which will take you to the relevant sections of our website for other statutory information that may not be contained here. We have also included external links to statutory sites for more information about our school.
If you require hard copies of any of the information listed here, please do not hesitate to contact the school and we will provide them free of charge.
Documents & policies:
- 2024 Ofsted Inspection Report
- Behaviour policy
- Charging, Lettings & Remissions
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
Links to pages in this website:
- School contact details
- Admissions arrangements
- Exam and assessment results
- Curriculum
- Complaints procedure
- Data Protection & Privacy
- Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2021 – 2024)
- PE and sports premium
- Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information
- Equality objectives
- Governors’ information and duties
- Values & ethos
- Policies
- Request for paper copies