Year 3: Newton

Our Year 3 class is named after the esteemed physicist, mathematician and astronomer Isaac Newton and is located on the top floor of our main Victorian building.
In line with the requirements of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2, Year 3 students are taught core subjects of English (Reading and Writing), Mathematics and Science as well as Foundation subjects of Art, ICT, Design and Technology, Music, History, Geography, PE and Spanish.
Every child will continue to read one-to-one with an adult at least once every week, as well as in a group session. In these sessions we focus on all aspects of reading: fluency, expression, and comprehension, as well as decoding skills. As their decoding skills become increasingly secure, teaching will be directed more towards developing their vocabulary and the breadth and depth of their reading, making sure that they become independent, fluent and enthusiastic readers who read widely and frequently. Level appropriate reading books sent home will be changed at least once a week and parents are encouraged to fill in their child’s reading records.
We will also be building further on the core foundations learnt while in Key Stage 1 to further develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as well as their mathematical fluency and reasoning. In Maths, the principal focus is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and develop efficient written and mental methods to perform calculations accurately with increasingly larger whole numbers. Each week the children are given homework which will have an element of English or Maths as well as something related to their current topic.
The Year 3 team are always happy to speak to parents regarding any issues, concerns or queries. To apply for a Year 3 place at Burdett-Coutts school, please contact the school office or click here for more information about our Admissions criteria.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Year 3.
A very warm welcome back to you all. I hope you have all had a restful summer and are ready for a new school year.
I believe in guiding children towards a love of learning with a growth mindset that helps to set them up for a bright future. When children are invested in their learning then the classroom environment becomes a positive learning space for everyone.
I would love to hear of your successes but also please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have anything you would like to discuss or if you have any further questions, please feel free to book an appointment via the school office.
Miss Findlay
- Writing: Range of texts encouraging on Writing to Entertain
- Maths: Place Value | Addition and Subtraction
- Science: Why are our Bodies Special?
- RE: Hinduism: Divali
- History: Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
- PSHE: Being Me in My World
- Art & Design: Painting like a Caveman
- PE lessons in Year 3 take place on Wednesday afternoon.
- Please ensure that your children wear the correct PE kit to school each week; this includes trainers and not their school shoes.
Book Bags
- Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading record book are brought to school every day in their book bags.
- I would be grateful if you could make a note in your child’s reading record when you have heard them read.
- Books will be changed each Friday.
In Year 3, homework will be given online on a weekly basis via Google Classroom (beginning on Week 2: Monday 11th of September). Homework plays a vital role in helping children consolidate what they have learnt in class and it is really important that all children complete their homework each week independently.
- Reading: Children should take part in a reading activity every night. Reading will help your child develop in all areas of the curriculum and your support at home can have the greatest impact on your child’s overall achievement.
- Maths: Children should spend at least 60 minutes a week on IXL.
- Spelling: During this term, we will be revising Year 2 spelling words and learning Year 3 spelling words. Children will be tested on 10 words each week (on Monday). Please spend some time at home helping your child to learn these spellings each week.