Nursery: Hawking

Sharing a secure playground and premises in the recently modernised self-contained section of our Victorian main building with our Reception classes, our Nursery offers a broad and balanced curriculum following ‘Development Matters’.
Our Nursery facilities include the use of a large upstairs classroom, an extensive, bright and airy open-plan downstairs classroom, dedicated toilet and shower facilities for the children, a secure outdoor playground and a wide range of multi-sensory play areas. Children are accepted from the age of three years and 3 months, as vacancies arises.
Under ‘Development Matters’, the seven key areas of learning we work to develop in our children are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematical Development
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Sample topics:
- All About Me
- Food
- Space
- Farms
- People Who Help Us
- Traditional Stories and Fairy Tales
Throughout the week, the children also enjoy a specialist music lesson with Mr Carden (Music Leader), attend weekly whole school assemblies in St Stephen’s Church and in the First Floor Hall, and have use of the computer room twice a week. They are also encouraged to independently change their shoes and socks for a weekly PE session and enjoy a weekend library system where they can choose a story to share with their family at home.
The Nursery team are always happy to speak to parents regarding any issues, concerns or queries. For more information regarding Admissions to Nursery, please click here.