For Parents
We value our partnership with parents and carers and cherish the support and involvement that they give the school. We consider parental involvement an integral part of ensuring every child’s progress and sense of well being.
We believe that good links with parents are essential to improve our pupils’ enjoyment of school and consequently their chances of doing well. The more parents know about what their children are learning, the more they can offer targeted support at home to complement what the school is doing.
Our Headteacher operates an open-door policy and the school office is open from 8am to 4pm to deal with parent enquiries. We also keep parents and carers informed through:
Parent/Teacher Meetings
We hold parent/teacher evenings twice yearly to enable parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress in more detail. Written school reports are sent out in the spring term to give parents and carers the chance to have a constructive dialogue and time to work together with school to improve their child’s learning and attainment.
Coffee Mornings
Every half term, we host an informal coffee morning for all parents. and carers providing an opportunity for everyone to come together to meet and talk about school life and also to hear from guest speakers and to discuss important school issues.
Coffee mornings are often themed and cover a variety of topics from preparation for the Christmas Fair and the Summer Fair, discussions about homework, anti-bullying and behaviour policies, feedback regarding Parent View to speakers from Childline or the NHS, to name a few.
Coffee mornings are usually held in the Ground Floor Hall and start from 9.00am after morning drop off and last around 45 minutes.
Parent Workshops
As part of our commitment to working in partnership with parents and carers in order to develop their child’s true potential, a wide variety of workshops for parents are organised throughout the academic year. These workshops cover a wide variety of topics from How Maths and English are Taught in both Key Stages to Safer Internet practices at home.
Class Assemblies
Parents are involved with the school through a variety of yearly informal events such as concerts, nativity plays, class assemblies and other performances.
Individual class assemblies are held at 9.15am on Fridays and offer the children the opportunity to showcase to the whole school and their parents their learning for the term.
We also regularly come together as a school community to celebrate our children’s achievements and welcome parents’ involvement and support for events such as our annual Christmas and Summer Fair, International Day, Nativity plays and Founders Day.
Newsletters, Letters, Text Messages and Emails
Our fortnightly school newsletter keeps everyone updated on current school news, class notices and reminders, school trips and events, dates for the diary and any after school clubs and activities information. Letters and text messages are regularly sent home and there is also a regularly updated board for parents located in the school playground.
Pastoral Support Manager
We strive to provide excellent support to our students and their families and feel that strong home-school links are essential for our students to thrive in all aspects of their development. As our Pastoral Support Manager, Mrs L. Deary supports students and their families in a variety of areas and is always available to meet with parents and carers.
We welcome and encourage parental involvement in many aspects of school life. If you are interested in finding out how you can help in school or support your child’s learning at home, please contact the school office.