School Newsletter : 03 March 2023

| Issue 8 | Spring 1 | Week 22 |

Red Nose Day 2023

Red Nose Day is back!

Support us in this important fundraising event on Friday 17th March, when we will be joining thousands of people up and down the country by getting involved.

All our donations will go towards helping Comic Relief to support amazing projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world.

Friends of Burdett-Coutts: Come to our meetings!

This week the Friends of Burdett-Coutts, our school’s Parent-Staff Association, had another productive planning meeting on Thursday to discuss preparations for the upcoming Easter Fete!

Thank you again to all the parents who attended – it was a really useful meeting. This week we finalised the planning for our event and we’re delighted to offer a vast range of stalls & activities including:

  • Cake stall
  • Sweeties stall
  • Refreshments: tea, coffee, hot chocolate & soft drinks
  • Food stall
  • Face painting & nail art
  • Games
  • Bric-a-Brac
  • Toys & Books stall
  • An indoor Bouncy Castle for little ones (Year 1 & under)
  • A Tombola and much, much more!

We really need parents help & support by way of donations for the fair and also volunteers for the day.

If you have any ‘new’ unwanted items to donate, we would gratefully accept them. Please bring these in when you can and leave them at the school office, for the attention of the PSA.

Please come along if you can to our next planning meeting, which will be at 9am on Thursday 9th March in the Ground Floor Hall. EVERYONE is welcome and we would really value your input. 

Did you know?!

  • If you are a parent, carer or a guardian of a child that attends the school, then you are automatically a member of the Friends of Burdett-Coutts.
  • Being part of FoBC is a great chance to meet other parents, while supporting our school. Even if you only have a small amount of time, it’s an amazing opportunity to participate more in school life.
  • If you’re unable to attend Thursday’s planning meeting but would like to help out, please speak to Miss Rachida in Nursery & Reception.

Spring 2 Class Projects

Please see below the range of Class Projects that are included in the Homework Overviews for Years 1 – 6 for this half term. These can be found in your child’s Google Classroom, including the outline for Maths and Spelling tasks.

Kindly be informed that all projects need to be submitted into school on Monday 27th March.

Good luck everyone 🙂

Year 1:

In Science we have been learning about “Why it is cold in winter?” We have been learning about all the different seasons, what makes day and night and why it is a different temperature in different parts of the world.

For our project this half term, you can choose from any aspects to do with the weather to research and present. For example this could be: What makes a rainbow? What makes it rain or snow? What are clouds? You may like to create a poster or an information book sharing your findings and research, or you could use your creative skills and make a board game.

This project is a perfect opportunity for you to really showcase what you have been learning and your creative talents! I can’t wait to see what you have made by the end of term. Good luck!

Year 2:

We are Geographers – Around the world in 30 days: Kenya

In Geography this half term we will take a tour of key places around the world to cement knowledge of continents and oceans with an in-depth study of Kenya, including a comparison with London and the UK.

Your task is to create a piece of work to show what you have learnt about this place on our planet.

You are free to present this how you wish such as a written piece, a picture, a presentation, a 3D model or any other ideas you come up with. You could also design and create an explorer ship that will help you to navigate the most important oceans and seas around the world and that will take you to Kenya.

Year 3 Project:

We are Geographers – Town and Country: UK

In Geography this half term children will identify the geographical features of the UK and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time.

They will investigate and summarise places, patterns, similarities and differences within and between the regions of the UK.

Your task is to create a piece of work to show the most important features of the UK.

You are free to present this how you wish such as a written piece, a picture, a presentation, a poster, a 3D model or any other ideas you come up with.

Year 4 Project:

This half term as Scientists, we will be continuing to learn about classifying animals, exploring their habitats and the dangers they face; both natural and made, which threaten all living things. For your home learning project, you could choose to create your own classification chart following a walk to your local park. You could take photographs (or complete drawings and diagrams), of what you find, both plants and animals and challenge yourself to create a food chain.

You may like to design your own creature, describing where they live, what they eat and its physical features; or you may wish to research the scientist Linnaeus, a Swedish scientist who developed a system of organising living things. It forms the basis of the classification and naming system we use today.

Year 5 Project:

As Geographers this half term, we are learning about the physical and human features of Spain. For your project, you are going to research another country of your choice. You are going to prepare an information report about the country of your choice that could include the following:

  • location in the world
  • population
  • famous artists
  • famous sports people
  • tourist sights / activities
  • exports
  • typical food / cuisine
  • mountains / rivers / forests / beaches
  • royal family or republic

You could also research any other area of interest. I look forward to seeing the variety of ways these projects are completed.

Year 6 Project:

This half term as Geographers, Year 6 will be continuing to learn about the River Thames. For your homework project, you could choose to:

  • create a model of the the key features of a river,
  • research key historical events which impacted upon the Thames
  • research a bridge of your choice and create a map of all the bridges along the River
  • research key engineers who were responsible for our current sewage system

Alternatively, if you have any other ideas of your own based around rivers, feel free to present these how you wish. I look forward to see the range of project presentations that Year 6 pupils submit.

World Book Day

On Thursday our school hall was full of incredible book characters from our favourite children’s stories!

We had Mad Hatters and an Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka-s and Stick Men, Harry Potters and White Witches, plus many other creative and clever costumes.

Even our school staff made a HUGE effort – we also had an Alice in Wonderland, a Miss Trunchbull and a Miss Honey!

Well done to all the children and their families for putting their thinking caps on and finding brilliant ways to become their favourite characters. A special mention must go to Connie for her incredible costume!

In assembly Mrs Camplin showed the children their World Book Day vouchers they would be taking home that day, so please look out for them in book bags and coat pockets.

You can take this voucher to a bookshop like Waterstones, WH Smith or certain supermarkets to trade it in for one of the special World Book Day books (for free); or use your voucher to get £1 off any other book.

The pupils selected as the winner for their costume in each class will visit Waterstones next week to choose a book and to continue their love of reading. Well done everyone!

World Book Day Class Winners:

From left to right:

  • Nursery: Arlo as a bus driver, a character from his favourite genre of books, Transport!
  • Reception: Tahlia as a Butterfly from her favourite book, ‘L’anniversaire de Grenouille‘.
  • Year 1: Ezra as Stickman, from ‘Stickman‘ written by Julia Donaldson.
  • Year 2: Lawand as a vampire, from ‘I Love my Fangs‘ by Kelly Leigh Miller.

From left to right:

  • Year 3: Connie as a character from ‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go!’, by Dr Seuss
  • Year 4: Grace as Mrs Trunchbull from ‘Matilda‘, by Roald Dahl.
  • Year 5: Lola as a WW2 evacuee, inspired from books and studies about this time.
  • Year 6: Lauren as Gangster Granny, from Gangster Granny, by David Walliams.

Are you getting to school on time?

A huge thank you to all of our families who are in school everyday and arrive on time! It is important that your child attends school every day and on time. Arriving late to school is unsettling for children and disrupts the start to their day.

Our school day starts at 09:00, and all pupils need to be in school by 08:55, to ensure that they are ready for learning at 09:00. Teachers are waiting in classes with learning ready to start at this time.

The main pupil entrance (gates) will open at 08:45 and will close at 08:55. After this time parents will need to bring their child/ren via school office. Please ensure your child is in school before 08:55.

From the February Half Term you will need to sign your children in if entering through the office. The time of entry and reason for lateness will be noted.

We are carefully monitoring attendance and punctuality as we have noticed an increasing trend of both becoming a pattern for some families.

Routines are the easiest way to ensure your child attends school on time every day, so try to create good routines for the start of your day, particularly if mornings are hectic in your household.

Try and prepare as much as possible the night before, and ensure that older children are taking much more responsibility for their readiness for school.

Did you know?!

  • 10 minutes late every day = 33 hours lost learning each year!
  • Lateness and absence has a significant impact not only on your child’s learning, but also others, as teachers may have to re-teach late arrivals to ensure they can participate in the lesson.

Easter Bonnet Competition: Glue guns at the ready!

4th Plinth Competition

Upcoming Events


  • Monday 6th March: Year 6 Citizenship Trip to the London Transport Museum.
  • Wednesday 8th March:  Coronation Club Session 1/2  taking place in school with Year 4.
  • Thursday 9th March: Coronation Project with Peter Daniels taking place in school with Year 6.
  • Thursday 9th March: Battle of Britain Concert at Cadogan Hall – Years 4 and 5 will be attending.
  • Wednesday 15th March:  Coronation Club Session 2/2 taking place in school with Year 4.
  • Thursday 16th March by 16:00: Easter Bonnet entries and 4th Plinth Art entries to be submitted to school.
  • Friday 17th March: Friends of Burdett-Coutts Easter Fete – more information to follow after the half term!

March (continued):

  • Monday 20th March @ 19:00 – 21:00: Barbican Concert – Year 6 have been invited to perform alongside pupils from Westminster School in their concert. An amazing opportunity! More details to follow, including how parents can obtain tickets.
  • Tuesday 21st March: Pimlico Music Foundation Singing Event at St. Gabriel’s Church – Year 5 to perform and parents are warmly welcomed (times TBC).
  • Monday 27th March @ 14:30 – 16:30: Coronation Club (Year 4) Trip to the Royal Mews – separate letter will follow.

Biscuits Bytes!


Another fun filled week in school! Everyone looked amazing yesterday all dressed up as their favourite book characters.  I came as myself, as I have a book named after me, ‘Where’s Biscuit?’. I am hard to find in this book and am sharing it with the children in Breakfast Club to see if they can find me……Good luck!

I have had so much fun playing back outside with the children in  Breakfast and After School Club!  My football skills have got a bit rusty over the Autumn/Winter break, but it won’t take too long until I’m back at the top of my game!  I love being part of a team and playing with the children – it’s the BEST part of my day!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Love Biscuit xx

Community Corner

Collective Worship

The whole school attends acts of Collective Worship every day.

  • Mondays and Tuesdays: key stage singing assemblies led by Mr Carden.
  • Wednesdays: Church service led by Graham or Helena, the clergy at St Stephens with St John on Rochester Row. These services are very child-friendly, and Year 6 take a leading role by processing, singing in the choir and reading the Bible readings and prayers.
  • Thursdays: We focus on celebrating achievements, led by a member of SLT, School Council or a class teacher with their class. When a class teacher leads the assembly, their class also recite a piece of poetry they have been learning. We would be very grateful if parents could support their children in learning these poems when it is their turn.
  • Friday: Opportunities for classes to share what they have been learning with their families and the rest of the school.

Class Assemblies

Class assemblies start at 9:00. Parents, kindly be seated by 8:55.

  • 10th March – Year 1 sharing assembly, 9am – Year 1 parents welcome
  • 17th March – Mothering Sunday Service, 9:30am – all parents welcome – church
  • 24th March – Year 2 sharing assembly, 9am – Year 2 parents welcome
  • 31st March – Roll Back the Stone Year 3 Easter production, 9:30 – all parents welcome.  This will be held in the school, and places will be limited.  Parents will need to register attendance at this event with the school office from Monday 6th March.

This week’s reading in Church was from Matthew 4:1-11, recounting all about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness when he was there for 40 days and 40 nights. Jesus was tempted by the Devil three times:<

  • to turn stones into bread when he was fasting,
  • to throw himself from the roof of the temple and order the angels to catch him to test God, and
  • to forsake God and worship the Devil in return for power over all of the kingdoms of the world

Jesus rebutted the Devil’s temptations, each time with a quote from Deuteronomy in the Old Testament (the Torah, or Jewish Holy Book). Jesus had faith in God’s word and plan for his life, to strengthen him to face what was coming.

After listening to this story, Helena talked to the children about what it is like to be tempted, perhaps to do something or say something that you know is not right. Her advice for anyone tempted to do the wrong thing was: Let Jesus get in the way!

Community Questions

  • Have you ever fasted or given up something either for Lent, Ramadan or some other time? What were the challenges and temptations you faced?
  • When you are tempted to do something or say something you shouldn’t, how do you overcome that temptation?
  • Jesus used words of scripture to resist temptation. How can the Bible help you?

FREE family activities

Messy Cathedral, Saturday 1 April 10.30am – 1pm

St Paul’s Cathedral invites families to a FREE session of activities for all ages, including crafts, singing and storytelling, all journeying through the days of Holy Week. All the fun will culminate in a Holy Communion.

This is a ticketed event. Tickets can be ordered here >

Strike action: Our school will be open

Many of you may be aware from the national press that the National Education Union (NEU), has balloted for strike action on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 15 March 2023
  • Thursday 16 March 2023

Kindly be informed that our school will be open on all the strike days listed above, with all classes and wrap around provision (Breakfast Club, Extended School Day and After School Clubs) operating as normal.

Term Dates 2022-2023

Please find here the agreed term dates set by our school’s Governing Body for the upcoming academic year, starting September 2022.

Please remember that holidays will not be authorised during the school term, and that all children should be in school (on time) every day.

Please refer to the table below for the term dates, including INSET days and Bank Holidays when the school will be closed to pupils.

Alternatively, you can click on the image thumbnail on the right to view the PDF (please note this will open in a new window) or you can click on the link below:



Start of Term (for Years 1-6)


05 September 2022



21 October 2022

Half Term


24 October 2022



28 October 2022

Return on


31 October 2022

End of Term


16 December 2022



Start of Term


04 January 2023



10 February 2023

Half Term


13 February 2023



17 February 2023

Return on


20 February 2023

End of Term


31 March 2023



Start of Term


17 April 2023



26 May 2023

Half Term


29 May 2023



02 June 2023

Return on


05 June 2023

End of Term


21 July 2023


Teaching & Learning: Curriculum Map Autumn/Spring


01 September 2022

Teaching & Learning: Phonics


02 September 2022

Assessment & Pupil Progress


02 December 2022

Teaching & Learning: Curriculum Map Autumn/Spring


03 January 2023

Assessment & Pupil Progress


07 July 2023

BANK HOLIDAYS (school closed)
May Bank Holiday


01 May 2023

Coronation Bank Holiday


08 May 2023

PE Days

Classes will have PE lessons on the following days for the Autumn Term.

  • Monday: Year 1 (PM)
  • Tuesday: Year 4 (PM)
  • Wednesday: Year 5 (AM)* and Year 2 (PM)
  • Thursday: Year 6 (PM)
  • Friday: Reception & Nursery (AM) and Year 3 (PM)

*Kindly note that ONLY Year 5 pupils will need to come to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit to change into after attending Church, on their designated PE day (Wednesday).

Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE uniform to school on their designated PE day. If you have any questions about school uniforms, please call, email or pop in to the school office

Correct PE uniform:

  • Navy PE t-shirt (with school logo)
  • Navy sweatshirt (with school logo)
  • Navy jogging bottoms, leggings, skirt or shorts
  • Trainers or plimsolls (black)

September 2023: Nursery & Reception places available

If you are looking for a Nursery  or Reception Place, for your child from September 2023, please contact the school and make an appointment to join a school tour.

We’d be delighted for you to join us for a 30-minute bespoke EYFS tour, where you will have the chance explore our Early Years setting, speak to key staff and ask any questions regarding admissions and your child starting with us at Burdett-Coutts.

Please contact us to register for our tours which take place every Thursday, with times available from 09:30 – 14:30 during term time.

Funding eligibility letter for Pupil Premium, Early Years Funding & Free School Meals

Due to changes in the eligibility criteria for Pupil Premium, Free School Meals and qualifying for 30 hours of funding for Nursery provision, many pupils currently enrolled at our school may now be entitled to one of these funding allocations.

We will be issuing letters to families who are currently not in receipt of the above, asking you to complete the registration for the identified funding option your child/ren maybe eligible for. Thank you so much in advance for your help in completing this.

This funding allows us to increase additional staffing hours to run booster groups, and an exciting range of extended day activities, that benefit our school and your child, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated at this difficult time for school budgets.

  • If you should have any queries with regards to the letter sent to you, please contact Mrs Deary or the school office.


Nursery’s scientists have been experimenting with mixing their own magic medicine to help all the animals at the vet! They were given all sorts of inspiring ingredients to mix and stir, creating a melting pot of conversation and sensory experiences.


This week in Computing, we have been continuing with mastering using a mouse to select and open icons. We are also learning how to move the mouse to the correct place and click without taking our hand off. This is very tricky but we are already making lots of progress. The game we played this week involved choosing colours and clicking the correct place to complete an animal picture.

Year 1:

As Scientists this term we are learning about different ways to be healthy! This could be achieved through improving the types and range of foods we eat, our hygiene, mental wellbeing, exercise and much more. We have been learning about the different food groups and thinking about which we should eat lots of, some of, and less of. Have a chat to your child at home about some of the foods we should eat lots of to fuel our bodies and grow.

Year 2:

This week Year 2 read ‘A New Home for a Pirate‘, by Ronda Armitage. It tells of a pirate called Jed who feels seasick all the time, so he decides to pack up his pirate paraphernalia and head off in search of a home on land. They wrote informal letters, assuming the role of Jed, and looked at a variety of letters in order to build up their understanding of what a letter is, and identifying the key features of an informal letter. They then created a plan with the key ideas that they wanted to include in their writing, keeping in mind their grammar focus: subordinating clauses. They used their plan to independently write a letter to Jed’s parents to tell them all about his new life on land, and about his journey where he met a whole cast of animal characters.

Year 3:

In Maths, Year 3 have been learning all about length and perimeter. They built on their understanding of centimetres and metres as metric units of measure and were introduced to millimetres. They recorded lengths using mixed units, for example, 3cm and 6mm, and began to convert between metric units, as well as adding and subtracting lengths. They learnt that to calculate the perimeter of a shape, you need to know the lengths of all its sides. Then, simply add them all together to find the perimeter! However, they had to remember which unit the perimeter is measured in, so that they did not forget to write down the correct unit in their answer.

Year 4:

As Scientists, we have been thinking about how environmental changes impact living things and the habitats they live in. Some of these changes are natural but many are man-made. We have been thinking about what we, as global citizens, can do to help this situation and what is already being done around the world. We are also learning how living things adapt to their environment and what changes have occurred over time. Next week, we plan to create our own creatures and thinking about how to classify living things.

Year 5:

In Jemison class this half term, we have become Geographers and are learning about Spain. We have learnt about how to find Spain on a map, and how to find it using more precise co-ordinates using longitude and latitude. We have also learnt about time zones and why some countries are in the night-time while we are in the day, and vice versa. We have investigated the physical features of Spain including mountains, rivers and seas. Next, we are going to look at how these impact on the human features, such as land use and population. We are loving learning about Spain, especially because we often listen to Spanish music while we work. We have made flamenco fans too and have watched videos of people dancing with them!

Year 6:

This week in English, we have been writing diary entries from the perspective of the main character (Fred) in our new class text, The Explorer. We are recalling the traumatic events of the past few days, where we find ourselves stranded in the Amazon Rainforest after the plane to Manaus we’re onboard, crashes. In our writing, we have tried hard to use dashes for drama, using our senses to describe the setting and choosing engaging vocabulary to portray the character’s thoughts and feelings.