| Issue 18 | Spring 1 | Week 4 | Mental Health Week This week we embraced Children's Mental Health Week at Burdett-Coutts, with a whole-school focus on emotional well-being, resilience, and self-awareness. Across all key stages, our pupils...
| Issue 16 | Spring 1 | Week 3 | Royal Academy of Arts: Young Artists' Summer Show Important links: Draw inspiration from last year's 2024 online exhibition > Follow this guidance on the kinds of artwork the judges are looking for when they...
| Issue 15 | Spring 1 | Week 2 | Spring Term: Wrap Around Care Provision Breakfast Club @ 07:45 - 08:45: This provision has started and will operate everyday until Friday 4th April. After School Club @ 15:30 - 18:00: This provision has started...
| Issue 15 | Spring 1 | Week 2 | Spring Term: Wrap Around Care Provision Breakfast Club @ 07:45 - 08:45: This provision has started and will operate everyday until Friday 4th April. After School Club @ 15:30 - 18:00: This provision has started...
| Issue 14 | Spring 1 | Week 1 | Welcome Back & Happy New Year Welcome back to all our Burdett-Coutts families, and a warm welcome to our new families joining us across the school this term. We hope you’ve all had an enjoyable festive break...
| Issue 13 | Autumn 2 | Week 7 | Festive Celebrations & Christmas Wishes to All At Burdett-Coutts, another week of Christmas Magic has flown by, where pupils have enjoyed a range of Christmas celebration events, including the PTA Winter Fair...
| Issue 12 | Autumn 2 | Week 6 | Burdett-Coutts Xmas Cheer & Celebrations It has been the most magical of Christmas weeks, where Burdett-Coutts pupils have enjoyed a range of Christmas celebration events, including a Winter Disco for KS2, a...
| Issue 11 | Autumn 2 | Week 4 | Year 4 Trip to The British Museum Monday 25th November: Our trip to the British Museum gave us the opportunity to learn more about Mayan civilisation. We participated in a seminar about the Yucatec tribe, a tribe...
| Issue 10 | Autumn 2 | Week 3 | Out & About... Monday 18th November: Year 3 Trip to The British Museum On Monday, Year 3 were at the British Museum as part of their History learning. We started upstairs, looking at the Ancient Egyptian...
| Issue 8 | Autumn 2 | Week 2 | Out & About... Monday 11th November: Year 5 Trip to The British Museum We had an interesting time exploring the Anglo Saxon Galleries in the British museum, which helped us consolidate our learning of that...
| Issue 7 | Autumn 2 | Week 1 | Out & About... Wednesday 6 November: Year 1 Trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum Year 1 pupils were surprised to be greeted by ‘Florence Nightingale’ herself when we arrived at the museum! She retold her...
| Issue 6 | Autumn 1 | Week 7 | Out & About... Tuesday 22nd October: Year 5 Trip to the Science Museum Year 5 had an amazing visit to the Science Museum, where they took part in an interactive workshop focused on Forces and explored the...