Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding represents a significant proportion of the budget at our school and our key objectives are to narrow the gap between pupil groups and through targeted interventions, strive towards eliminating any barriers to learning and progress.
We have high aspirations for our children and are determined to ensure that everyone is given every chance to realise their full potential. Our staff are committed to the belief that it is every child’s passion and thirst for knowledge, as well as dedication and commitment to learning that makes the difference between success and failure.
Through targeted interventions we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. For children who start school with low attainment on entry, our aim is to ensure they make accelerated progress in order to reach age-related expectations or better as they move through the school.
We have analysed our data thoroughly and we have made use of a range of research – such as parental engagement research, children as writers, good practice in using PP funding, the Sutton Trust research on within-school variance and the Sutton Trust School Tool Kit – to inform our decision making.
Key roles:
Pupil Premium Lead:
- Ms. Y. Barnett
Looked After Children Link Governor:
- Mrs E. Standring
Pupil Premium Link Governor:
- Ms. N. Bowles