Sports Premium

At Burdett-Coutts school, we believe that physical education, physical activity and outdoor education both supports and complements our ethos and values.
Through PE and opportunities within sports, we actively encourage the development of high moral and spiritual values, self-motivation, independence and self-reliance to empower our pupils to make a real difference, not only to their own lives but to the wider community.
After discussions with the governing body, it was decided that the money would be spent on subsidising the development of a range of after school clubs and activities based around physical activity.
A direct impact of this funding has seen our school attain the Sainsbury’s School Games Bronze Mark where a mandatory criteria is the provision of high quality physical education within the curriculum. We also represented Westminster at the London Youth Games in Hockey and placed higher in overall rankings than in previous years.
There are also 20% more children taking part in a physical after school club than before and future plans include more children trained as Sports Leaders, larger scope for after school clubs and a ‘Change For Life’ club.