
Made of up individuals who are elected or appointed to voluntarily represent the church, parents and carers, the local authority and the staff; our governing body are the strategic leaders of the school with a vital role to play in making sure every pupil receives the best possible education while achieving his or her full potential, irrespective of age or ability.
We are proud to have a committed governing body made up of a team of individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. The number of governors for our school is 12 and our primary role is to ensure that the school discharges their statutory duties under the law as well as act as a ‘critical friend’ in supporting and challenging the leadership and management.
We also help to set the vision and strategic direction of the school, oversee the maintenance of the premises and management of budgets, monitor performance and attainment of pupils and engage with key stakeholders.
The school and governing body also benefit from the support of the Trustees who look after the endowment left by Baroness Angela Burdett-Coutts and periodically gives grants to the school. The chair of the Trustees is Mrs Fiona Burdett-Coutts.

Mr. N. Agarwal
Local Authority (26 May 2022 - 25 May 2026)
Born and raised in India, Nihit graduated from with a Bachelors in Commerce from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata; and is now a Chartered Accountant and a CFA Charterholder. After 5 years at J.P. Morgan (European Real Estate Investment Banking division), he now works at PJT Partners, specialising in Real Estate across Europe and UK. Nihit lives in Clapham Common and enjoys travelling, boxing, scuba-diving and has a keen interest in impressionism and post-impressionism art.

Ms. Y. Barnett
Headteacher - Ex-officio (appointed Sep 2020)

Mrs J. Bates
Vice-Chair of Governors - Deanery (24 January 2023 – 23 January 2027)
Jill lives with her husband and three children in Battersea. She earned her PGCE and M.Ed at Cambridge University, after reading Psychology and English at the University of Ottawa, and has enjoyed an extensive teaching and educational leadership career in schools across UK & the US. Following a break to care for her children, she has now resumed her career as a primary school teacher. Her professional research interests include developing resilience and growth mindset in pupils and her pastimes include knitting, reading mysteries & playing in Battersea Park with her children.

Ms. N. Bowles
Chair of Governors - LDBS (21 February 2022 – 20 February 2026)
Narissa lives with her husband, daughter and cat, working from home as co-director of a web development company. She read Journalism at Sheffield University and has enjoyed careers in print journalism, sound engineering and event planning. Her interests include reading, running, cooking and spending as much time in Kew Gardens and Richmond Park as possible.

The Revd. G. Buckle
Ex-officio (appointed March 2014)
Born and raised in South-East London, Graham had worked for a community newspaper and even been a fumigator, before reading Theology at Southampton University. Ordained in 1989, he has enjoyed varied and extensive service in many churches and is now presently at St Stephen’s with St John’s, Westminster. His passions include travelling, playing and listening to music, watching and participating in sport as well as being involved in the community.

Mrs. S. Li Rosi
Elected Staff (09 October 2024 – 08 October 2028)

Mrs A. Sladden
LDBS (21 January 2024 - 20 January 2028)
Anna is passionate about helping children in Westminster get a great education and a good start in life. Outside Burdett-Coutts, she works in a trade & investment team at the Department of Business & Trade (DBT) in the UK Government, having previously worked at the Centre for Social Justice, helping to improve the life opportunities of those living in the most disadvantaged communities in Britain. Anna gained a BA Hons (1st) in International Relations & French at the University of Exeter, which included a year studying at Sciences Po in Aix-en-Provence, France; followed by a MSc in Global Politics at LSE. In her spare time, she enjoys playing tennis, sailing and spending time with her young family.

Ms E. Standring
Trustee (11 March 2021 – 10 March 2025)
Emily studied English Literature at Royal Holloway College, University of London, after which she worked in various marketing roles until her son was born in 2004. During her career break, she was involved in many local charities and decided to use this fundraising experience when she returned to work in 2018. She worked in development roles in the independent and state school sectors before returning to Katherine Low Settlement (a local charity where she'd volunteered as an ESOL assistant) as Fundraising Manager. Emily lives with her husband and three children in Battersea; she is a keen reader, theatre and gym goer.
Our governing body is highly active and motivated both in celebrating the school’s successes and in concentrating on their improvement. All members are expected to familiarise themselves with the schools’ strengths, weaknesses and targets for improvement especially in reference to two key documents, the Self Evaluation Form (SEF) and the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
In addition, governors are encouraged to involve themselves in the school directly, perhaps attending a school assembly or event, accompanying children and staff on a school trip or simply talking to pupils and staff.
Our governors are also appointed to strategic link roles related directly to the Key Priorities and School Improvement Actions of our School Improvement Plan, as well as other statutory positions eg: Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, Health & Safety etc. In all cases, their objectives are to monitor the progress and impact of their specific areas and report to the FGB at strategic points during the academic year.
Following recent guidelines, we have streamlined our governing body’s processes and procedures to ensure our focus remains primarily on strategic issues. Our ongoing aim is to ensure the sharing of all key information and effective use of governors’ and school leaders’ skills and time.
As well as meeting 5 times a year, we also meet to form the following committees – Pay, Headteacher’s Performance Management, and Admissions – in order to be able to discharge certain statutory functions. We further meet at the following Forums – Finance & Business, Outcomes, and Ethos – to monitor and ensure the effectiveness of our school in these important areas.
Key Documents
- Instrument of Government
- Standing Orders
- Scheme of Delegation
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Register of Business Interests
In May 1996 the Nolan Committee published a report on standards in public life as applicable to local public spending bodies. The report identified seven principles which should be applied in public life. These are selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
It is important that our governors act and are seen to act impartially. One important means by which a self-governing school demonstrates that it is applying these principles is by maintaining detailed information including a register of business, pecuniary and material interests.
Information on the Membership of the Governing Body of Burdett-Coutts and Townshend CE Primary School (re-constituted 4th August 2015)
Mr. N Agarwal
Category: Governor appointed by the Local Authority (Westminster)
Term of office including end date:
26/05/22 – 25/05/26
Committees & Responsibilities
Business & Finance Forum | Pay Committee
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
Ms. Y. Barnett
Category: Headteacher appointed by virtue of ex-officio role
Term of office including end date:
Committees & Responsibilities:
Business & Finance | Outcomes | Pay & Admissions Committees
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
Mrs J. Bates
Category: Foundation Governor appointed by Deanery of Westminster
Term of office including end date:
24/01/2019 to 23/01/27
Committees & Responsibilities:
Outcomes Forum | Pay Committee | Safeguarding link | Vice-Chair of Governors
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
None declared
Ms. N. Bowles
Category: Foundation Governor appointed by the LDBS
Term of office including end date:
21/02/22 to 20/02/26
Committees & Responsibilities:
Business & Finance; Outcomes; and Ethos Forums | HTPM | Health & Safety Link | Chair of Governors
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
Trustee of Friends of Burdett-Coutts, Trustee of Tiffin Girls’ Music Society, Director of IMAGIZ Ltd
Mr R. Brown
Category: Parent Governor appointed by parents of pupils at the school
Term of office including end date:
16/05/23 to 15/05/27
Committees & Responsibilities:
Outcomes | Ethos
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
None declared
The Revd. G. Buckle
Category: Foundation Governor appointed by virtue of ex-officio role (Vicar of St Stephen with St John, Westminster)
Term of office including end date:
Committees & Responsibilities:
Ethos Forum | Admissions Committee
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
Trustee of the following charities: PCC/Townshend Foundation/Alms Houses
Mrs S. Lee
Category: Staff Governor appointed by staff at the school
Term of office including end date:
13/10/21 to 12/10/25
Committees & Responsibilities:
Ethos Forum
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
Mrs A. Sladden
Category: Foundation Governor appointed by the LDBS
Term of office including end date:
21/01/20 to 19/01/24
Committees & Responsibilities:
Business & Finance | HTPM | Outcomes
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
Ms. E. Standring
Category: Foundation Governor appointed by the Trustees of the Burdett Coutts & Townshend Foundation
Term of office including end date:
11/03/21 to 10/03/25
Committees & Responsibilities:
Business & Finance | HTPM | Pay | SEND Link
Governor at any other educational establishments:
Declarations of Interests:
None declared
- Mr. J. Crichton (Foundation Governor appointed by Trustees of the Burdett-Coutts & Townshend Foundation | DISQUALIFIED 17 November 2023)
- Ms. S. Nicholls (Parent Elected Governor RESIGNED 3 October 2023)
- Ms. S. Agabani (Parent Elected Governor | RESIGNED September 2022)
- Ms. A. Johnson (Foundation Governor appointed by Trustees of the Burdett-Coutts & Townshend Foundation | END OF TERM)
- Miss R. John (Foundation Governor appointed by the Parochial Church Council | RESIGNED February 2022)
- Miss C. Hui (Foundation Governor appointed by the LDBS | RESIGNED November 2021)
This information was last updated 16 April 2024
Governors Attendance Record
Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities. It is now a requirement to publish every governor’s attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year.
Governor Name/Role | 22 Sept 2022 | 10 Nov 2022 | 30 March 2023 | 16 May 2023 | 13 July 2023 |
S. Agabani | Parent elected | Resigned | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
N Agarwal | Local Authority | Present | Present | Present | Absent | Present |
Y. Barnett | Head: Ex-officio | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present |
J. Bates | Foundation: Deanery (Vice-Chair) | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present |
R. Brown | Parent elected | Not yet appointed | Not yet appointed | Not yet appointed | Present | Present |
N. Bowles | Foundation: LDBS (Chair of Governors) | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present |
G. Buckle | Vicar: Ex-officio | Present | Present | Present | Present | Absent |
E. Camplin | Staff elected (maternity cover) | Not yet appointed | Not yet appointed | Not yet appointed | Present | Present |
J Crichton | Foundation: Trustee | Not yet appointed | Not yet appointed | Not yet appointed | Present | Absent |
S. Lee | Staff elected | Present | Maternity leave | Maternity leave | Maternity leave | Maternity leave |
SJ. Nicholls | Parent elected | Present | Present | Present | Present | Absent |
A. Sladden | Foundation: LDBS | Maternity leave | Present | Present | Present | Absent |
E. Standring | Foundation: Trustee | Present | Present | Present | Absent | Present |