School Newsletter : 07 June 2024
| Issue 31 | Summer 2 | Week 1 |
Happy Half Term!

Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term. We hope that you had an enjoyable break and are well rested ready for a busy end of term!
It is hard to believe that we are in the final half term of the year and we still have so many exciting trips, visits and events planned before we break up for the summer holidays.
Copies of all class newsletters for this half term went home on Wednesday this week, if you have missed this, please check as it could possibly still be in your child’s book bag 🙂
Please keep an eye on the What’s Coming Up section in the newsletter each week, to ensure that you don’t miss out on any of your child’s activities and adventures this half term.
Burdett-Coutts Summer Fair
Our next school fundraising event will be the Summer Fair, which will take place on Saturday 29th June from 12:00 until 4:00 pm. There’ll be an exciting range of stalls including games, bouncy castle plus food and refreshments available to purchase on the day, and we’re very much looking forward to welcoming everyone!
Parents & carers, we would be grateful for any donations of good quality pre-loved items for our summer fair. Please bring these to the school office.
If you would like to provide a food plate (just as we had at our recent International Evening), please inform the office via email or please come in person to speak to Ms Ilhan.
All donations and provision of food items will be passed onto our school’s PTA The Friends of Burdett-Coutts.
Booster Group and Extended School Day Clubs: Update

A reminder that the Year 6 booster clubs have now ended. All other booster and extended school day clubs (15:30 – 16:30) will end the week beginning the 8th July.
Swimming Lessons for Years 3 – 6

We are delighted to announce that swimming lessons will begin again this term, for pupils in Years 3 to 6.
These lessons are an important (and statutory) part of the national curriculum and provide an opportunity for pupils to develop key skills and knowledge about water safety and learning basic swimming skills and strokes.
Pupils are issued with certificates at the end of each unit of swimming, which acknowledge the skill level that they have met.
All swimming lessons will take part at the Queen Mothers Sports Centre. Classes will complete their lessons in blocks (6 consecutive lessons over two weeks), instead of one lesson per week (over 6 weeks).
This arrangement ensures pupils have the best chance to consolidate and make the most of their lessons, with the opportunity to build on learning over sequential days, as opposed to having a week between each lesson.
On the weeks that your child’s class is swimming, they will need to wear their bathing costume to school with their PE kit over the top. They also need to bring in a bag; a towel, underwear and goggles, plus a cap (if they choose to use one).
Children will change into their PE kit after each lesson and put their towel and bathing suit in their bag to return to school.
Pupils will swim on Tuesday, Wednesday & Fridays of each week. They will walk to and from the pools with their class teacher and a teaching assistant.
If you have any questions or queries about your child’s swimming lesson, please contact the office to arrange a time to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Class Swimming Dates:Â
- Year 4: Weeks beginning 10th and 17th June Â
- Year 3: Weeks beginning 24th and 1st July (no swimming on Friday 28th June as it is an INSET day)
- Year 6: Weeks beginning 8th and 15th July (no swimming on Friday 19th becuase of a school trip)
Accelerated Reader Program

We are very excited to announce that we are now part of the Accelerated Reader program, for children in Years 1 to 6.
Accelerated Reader encourages children to read regularly, while ensuring that they bring home a book appropriate to their reading level. There are three steps to the program:
1. Pupils complete a star assessment which informs us of their reading level
2. They choose a reading book from the library, appropriate to their reading level
3. After they’ve read the book, they complete an online quiz about the it. The children earn points for the quizzes that they complete.
Pupils can log into the Accelerated Reader portal @Â
They can also log in by clicking on the Accelerated Reader link found at the top right hand corner of our website (in between Staff Login and Sooper Books).
Please click the image below for information about Accelerated Reader, or click here for a PDF >
Thank you to those parents who came along to the information morning held on Wednesday 22nd May, to learn more about this reading program. Â Further events will be held at the end of the term and at the beginning of the summer term. Â Keep an eye out in the newsletter for these dates.
Community Corner

This week’s church theme was about God seeing everyone and how we recognise Him.
We heard the reading from Samuel Chapter 3 verses 1-10. Samuel was in the priest Eli’s house and went to sleep. Three times during the night he heard Eli calling to him but when he went to Eli and said, ‘Here I am!’, Eli told him he hadn’t called him.
After the third time Eli realised it was the Lord calling to Samuel and he told him he needed to respond with the words, ‘Speak Lord, I am your servant.‘
Graham told us this was one of his favourite passages from the Bible and he finds it very funny. He even acted out Samuel running to Eli to ask what he wanted, and Eli waking up each time and telling him to go back to bed.
The story tells us about all the times we fail to recognise God. We’re often so busy that we cannot see God in the things around us; the blue skies, the smiles of others, our friendships, the gift of music and the wonders of creation to name but a few.
A little like Samuel, we need to take a moment each day to recognise God.
We concluded our church service with a rousing song, ‘Our God is a Great Big God‘. Well done to our fabulous Year 2 helpers who led us in the actions at the front!
Father God, thank you that every person is special to you.
Thank you for seeing me and caring all about me.
Help me to treat other people in the same way that you care about me.
Ask someone about their day. Really listen to what they are saying, ask them a question like, ‘tell me more about that’, so that they know you are really interested in what they are saying.
Class Assemblies:
Fridays @ 9am. Please be seated in the First Floor Hall by 9am:
- 14th June: Year 6
- 21st June: Year 3
- 5th July: Year 5
- 19th July: Nursery & Reception
Community Questions:
- Have you ever felt ignored? What happened? How did it make you feel?
- Has anyone ever butted in when you were talking? What happened? How did you feel?
- Have you ever butted in when someone else was talking? What happened? How did you feel? How do you think the other person felt?
Friends of Burdett-Coutts

Our next big event is the schools Summer Fair on Saturday 6th July.
If you are a parent, carer or a guardian of a child that attends our school, then you are automatically a member of our Parent Staff Association, Friends of Burdett-Coutts.
Being part of our PSA offers an exciting opportunity for you to meet other parents, whilst supporting our school, through organising fundraising events, volunteering and much more.
Even if you can only give a small amount of time, you will be making a difference to the school experience for your child and other pupils in our school.
All meetings are held in the Ground Floor Hall from 09:00 – 10:00, with refreshments.
All are welcome – please come along and join us, your energy & support is very much needed!
Meeting dates:
- Wednesday 12th June
- Wednesday 26th June
- Wednesday 3rd July
Upcoming events:
- Saturday 6th July: Summer Fair
Upcoming Events

- Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June: Year 4 Multiplication Test Check Window Good luck to all pupils completing this test 🙂
- Monday 10th – Friday 14th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Week. Wishing Year 1 lots of luck with this assessment 🙂
- Thursday 20th June @ 14:00 – 15:00: Reception Open Afternoon for September 2024 Reception Starters
- Thursday 27th June @ 15:00 – 18:00: Year 5 at Young City Makers Project at City Hall
- Friday 28th June: Staff INSET Day School Closed for pupils.Â
- Saturday 6th July:Â Â PTA Summer Fair.
- Friday 12th July @ 14:30 – 15:15:Â Years 6 Leavers Service in St. Stephens Church
- Tuesday 16th July: Alms House Founders Day Service at St. Stephens Church.
- Friday 19th July: Year 6 Trip to Rochester Cathedral
- Wednesday 24th July @ 13:30: School ends for the Summer Holidays
PE Lessons

Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE kit to school each week.
Pupils who are not wearing their full PE kit will not be able to participate in lessons, and a note will be sent home indicating why they were not able to participate.
The full PE kit for the Autumn/Winter term is as follows:
- Plain navy blue leggings or tracksuit bottoms
- School navy blue PE t-shirt
- School navy blue sweatshirt (all year groups).
- Pupils in KS2 (Years 3 – 6) must wear a school navy sweatshirt for PE and NOT their school jumper.
- Plain black trainers (velcro if your child struggles with shoe laces)
- Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly labelled (with a permanent pen or label)
PE Days:
- Monday: Year 4
- Tuesday: Year 2
- Wednesday: Reception & Year 5
- Thursday: Year 3
- Friday: Year 6
Cashless Payments: Parent Portal on Arbor

On Monday 8th January, parents were sent a welcome email from Arbor via the school office email account. Please read this carefully, as it contains vital information of the steps required to download the Arbor app, which is now live and ready to use for our school.
Once you have downloaded the app and followed the setup steps, you will be able to pay online for the following:
- Breakfast Club
- After School Club (6 o’clock club)
- School Trips and Visits
- Nursery Extended Day Fees
- Preschool Fees
You will also be able to view your child’s details held by the school, such as their attendance record and the named adults allowed to collect them from school.  After the Easter Break, you will also be able to sign up and pay for Extended School Day (Enrichment) Clubs.
We understand that while paying online is the preferred option for many of our families, those wishing to continue paying by cash will still be able to do via the school office.
- If you’re unable to download or log into the Arbor App, please contact the school office.
- We hope that this will be a smooth transition, but as is often the case with new technology, there may be some disruptions so please bear with us during this process.
School Meals

If you would like your child to move from bringing a packed lunch to having a school meal, you must inform the office at least a week in advance of this change being made. Kindly note pupils are not allowed to alternate between having packed lunches and/or school meals on a daily or weekly basis. If you have any questions, please see a member of the school admin staff at the school office.
You can find the current school lunch menu here >
If you require a printed copy, please ask at the school office. Should you have any questions about the menu, kindly make an appointment to speak with Miss Barnett.
February 2024 half term vouchers for pupils eligible for FSM are available for collection from the school office.
Are you getting to school on time?

We have noticed several pupils are consistently late to school each day. It is essential that every child arrives at school by 08:45 so that they are in class and ready to learn at 09:00. If your punctuality has slipped recently, please ensure that you take steps to arrive in school on time after the February half term break.
Why good school attendance matters: Missing a few days of school here and there may not seem a big deal, but research shows that it can have a significant impact on children’s learning.
Children who miss a substantial amount of school fall behind their peers, and struggle to catch up. Most of the work they miss is never made up, which can lead to big gaps in their learning.
- Poor attendance often starts at primary school and children who fall into this pattern are likely to under-achieve at secondary school.
- Pupils who miss between 10 and 20% of school (that’s 19 – 38 days per year) stand only a 35% chance of achieving five or more good GCSEs, compared to 73% of those who miss fewer than 5% of school days.
- An attendance rate of 95% is generally considered good; this allows for children to miss 9.5 days across the school year.
- Persistent absence (PA) is defined as an attendance rate of 90% or below.
- All pupils are expected to have an attendance rate of 95% or higher.
Attendance class of the week:Â Each week we will be celebrating the class with the highest attendance levels.
Did you know?!
- 10 minutes late every day = 33 hours lost learning each year!
- Lateness and absence has a significant impact not only on your child’s learning, but also others, as teachers may have to re-teach late arrivals to ensure they can participate in the lesson.
- Remember pupils need to be in school by 08:55.
- The pupil entrance gates open at 08:40.
Term Dates 2024-2025

Please remember that holidays will not be authorised during the school term, and that all children should be in school (on time) every day.
Please refer to the table below for the term dates, including INSET days and Bank Holidays when the school will be closed to pupils.
Alternatively, you can click on the image thumbnail on the right to view the PDF (please note this will open in a new window) or you can click on the link below:
Start of Term (for Years 1-6) |
Tuesday |
03 September 2024 |
To |
Thursay |
24 October 2024 |
Half Term |
Monday |
28 October 2024 |
Friday |
01 November 2024 |
Return on |
Monday |
04 November 2024 |
End of Term |
Friday |
20 December 2024 |
 | ||
Start of Term |
Tuesday |
07 January 2025 |
To |
Friday |
14 February 2025 |
Half Term |
Monday |
17 February 2025 |
Friday |
21 February 2025 |
Return on |
Monday |
24 February 2025 |
End of Term |
Thursday |
04 April 2025 |
 | ||
Start of Term |
Monday |
22 April 2025 |
To |
Friday |
23 May 2025 |
Half Term |
Monday |
26 May 2025 |
Friday |
30 May 2025 |
Return on |
Monday |
02 June 2025 |
End of Term |
Friday |
22 July 2025 |
Teaching & Learning: Curriculum & Safeguarding |
Monday |
02 September 2024 |
Teaching & Learning TBC |
Friday |
25 October 2024 |
Teaching & Learning: Wellbeing |
Friday |
29 November 2024 |
Assessment & Pupil Progress |
Monday |
06 January 2025 |
Teaching & Learning: Curriculum, Assessment & Pupil Progress |
Friday |
27 June 2025 |
BANK HOLIDAYS (school closed) | ||
May Bank Holiday |
Monday |
05 May 2025 |
Online Safety

Did you know that not all apps are safe for children, with many popular ones having certain age restrictions. For example, WhatsApp, Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook operate a minimum age of 13+ years, and therefore primary school children should not have their own, nor access to, such apps or accounts.
As parents, you can help safeguard your children online by researching these apps and their purposes, as well as their age restrictions, BEFORE agreeing to download them. If you do choose to download them, remember that parental controls such as password protection, can be set up so that in-app downloads or purchases, cannot be completed by the children themselves.
For example, to prevent iTunes, Apple App Store purchases or downloads, all you need to do is:
- Go to Settings and tap Screen Time.
- Tap Content & App Privacy Restrictions. If asked, enter your passcode.
- Tap iTunes & App Store Purchases.
- Select a setting and set to Don’t Allow.
Tips on how to install parental controls on other apps and devices (Android or Apple) can easily be found online, or even from the app developers themselves.
Preschool, Nursery & Reception Admissions

We have the following availability for places in our Early Years provision from September 2024:
Reception class:
- 2 places
Nursery Class (3-year olds):
- 8 full-time places
- 3 part-time places (afternoon)
 Preschool (2-year olds)
- 3 part-time afternoon places available NOW
If you are looking for a Preschool, Nursery or Reception place for your child we’d love to have you join us for a 30-minute bespoke EYFS tour. Here, you’ll have the chance explore our Early Years setting, speak to key staff and ask any questions regarding admissions and your child starting with us at Burdett-Coutts.
Contact us to register for our tours which take place every Thursday, with times available from 10:30 – 14:30 during term time.
- To book your tour place, please call 0207 828 6790
- For further information about starting Reception at Burdett-Coutts, please click here >
Funding eligibility letter for Pupil Premium, Early Years Funding & Free School Meals

Due to changes in the eligibility criteria for Pupil Premium, Free School Meals and qualifying for 30 hours of funding for Nursery provision, many pupils currently enrolled at our school may now be entitled to one of these funding allocations.
We will be issuing letters to families who are currently not in receipt of the above, asking you to complete the registration for the identified funding option your child/ren maybe eligible for. Thank you so much in advance for your help in completing this.
This funding allows us to increase additional staffing hours to run booster groups, and an exciting range of extended day activities, that benefit our school and your child, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated at this difficult time for school budgets.
- If you should have any queries with regards to the letter sent to you, please contact Mrs Deary or the school office.

This week we started a new book called ‘The Drum’. We have really enjoyed reading this book and especially loved joining in with the actions. We have been enjoying the lovely summer sunshine and have had so much fun playing and learning outside this week.

This week we’re delighted to share our exciting new story ‘Pop’. Inspired, the children creatively used various resources to make their own popcorn. Through this fun and engaging activity, they not only connected with the story but also explored textures and tastes, enhancing their sensory experiences.

Reception were thrilled to get back into the swing of things since the half term. They had a tea party in the playground, catching up with each other, reconnecting over play and quality time.
Year 1:

The last half term in Year 1 has started off as busy as ever! We have started some exciting new learning in our topics. In R.E we are continuing to learn about Judaism and also discussed forgiveness and different ways we could say sorry. We considered different scenarios where we might need to apologise, and what we could do to others for them to know we are sorry and seek forgiveness.
Year 2:

This week in PSHE, Year 2 have been learning about different life cycles in nature including that of humans. Children reflected on the changes that occur between baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and old age. They discussed how independence, freedom and responsibility can increase with age. Over the next few weeks, they will learn that change is a natural part of growing up and will explore and discuss the range of emotions that occur with it. They will also look at a range of strategies for managing their feelings and emotions.
Year 3:

On Thursday, we went to the Science Museum for some hands on science fun! We began in the Space Gallery; it was amazing seeing real life rockets and lunar buggies as well as learning all about life as an astronaut. We then visited the Modern World Gallery where there were lots of things that Mr Carden still has in his house! We saw many examples of old cars, trains and airplanes. After stopping for lunch, we went to the Wonderlab, where we loved interacting with all the exhibits. We watched a chemistry show with fire, bubbles and dry ice. Everyone had fun and learnt a lot!
Year 4:

Year 4 has had a busy week of new learning this week as we start the final half of the summer term. The children have started a new class book called ‘The Butterfly Lion‘ by Michael Morpurgo and have been discussing the main character, Bertie. They thought carefully about the vocabulary in the first chapter and learnt the meaning of lots of exciting new words such as bestrode! They have also been learning about balanced arguments and what a balanced argument is.
Year 5:

We are currently part of a project called Young City Makers. We jointly created a fantastic futuristic model of our school and thought about how to creatively use space, using sustainable materials. Later this month, we will attend an award ceremony at Westminster City Hall, in The Mayor’s parlour (details to follow, once confirmation is received). I hope you are as impressed by the model as we are! We are grateful to Westminster Council and the team of architects for affording us this opportunity.
Year 6:

This week in science, we have begun to explore our new topic about Evolution and Inheritance, ‘Why don’t dinosaurs live in Westminster?’. We revisited learning from Year 3, specifically about how fossils are formed and the different types of fossils that can be found. For example:
- Body fossils are plant and animal remains, such as leaves, teeth, shells and bones.
- Trace fossils are evidence left behind by animals, things like footprints, burrows and even poo!
We are looking forward to learning more about the work of Mary Anning and how her work was crucial to understanding evolution.