
Our school has been awarded Enhanced Healthy School status which means we are constantly working to promote the health and well-being of our entire school community.
Our meals are catered in line with our food policy and reflects our total commitment to being a healthy school. Meals are catered for in the Ground Floor Hall, with Nursery and Reception classes starting at 11.30am, Key Stage 1 classes starting from 12pm and then Key Stage 2 from 12.30pm onwards.
Cooked school lunches are available each day for children whose parents wish them to have one. The cost of school meals changes slightly every year but at present is £2.00 per day per child.
Cash or a cheque (payable to Burdett-Coutts school) for the correct amount should be paid at the beginning of each week to the school office and parents can choose to pay weekly or half termly. If your child is attending school for the first time, or you would like your child to start having school dinners, then please contact the school office to let us know.
Menu : Autumn/Winter 2023
Our new menus have been created in consultation with our pupils and is cooked by our own school catering team. We no longer outsource for our lunch provision and our decision to move to inhouse catering was to ensure that we had greater say, not only over menu design, but also the quality of suppliers and the goods purchased.
We now have a butcher local to the London area supplying our meat (farm assured), with all fruit and vegetables sourced from Covent Garden Market. Over 80% of all food prepared and cooked on site is fresh with deliveries twice a week from our new suppliers. This change to food quality is part of a bigger school initiative, aimed at improving health and wellbeing for all school pupils and adults, whilst also considering food miles of the produce and suppliers used.
Please find our menus for the Autumn/Winter Term (3-week rotation). Alternatively you can view and/or download a copy here (PDF) or request a print-out from the school office.

Packed Lunches
We encourage our children to eat a healthy packed lunch containing items from all the food groups to ensure a balanced meal. So that they meet the same food standards that our prepared school lunches have to, our packed lunch requirements have changed and the following items are no longer permitted:
- Crisps
- Fruit juice, Actimel or other probiotic drinks
- Small pre-packed bags of biscuits
- Kit-Kats or chocolate bars
Ideally all packed lunches should contain 80% fresh food that is not processed or pre-packaged – here are some ideas:
- Sandwich, bread rolls, wraps or pasta (ideally in a thermal flask if warm as we cannot reheat food)
- Salads, vegetable sticks & fruit
- A couple of small biscuits or a small slice of cake (healthy)
- Yogurt and/or cheese
You can find great packed lunch ideas from NHS Change For Life as well as inspirational recipes from BBC GoodFood. Packed lunches should always be labelled clearly with your child’s name and left on the trolley in the morning.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM):
- From September 2014, all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils attending state-funded schools will be eligible for free school meals. This is known as Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme.
- Further details regarding eligibility for UIFSM can be found on the Westminster website, along with an application form to apply.
- If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the school office and we will try our best to assist you.